I want to talk about vaccines. What they are. What they aren't. The sort of immune response they generate as compared to "natura" (had the disease) response. Lets start with a bit of background about myself. I am a software person by trade, which means I have the drive to research and the intelligence to piece together a "program"...a chain of data analysis, decision making, and processing. This same concept can be applied to human behavior, biology, chemistry and just about any "higher thought" process. I was a "trust the experts" person for a good part of my life, wanting to do things "by the books" and so forth. I was a "patriot"...signed up for the delayed entry program while in high school...believed in following the law because "its the law". I wanted to give...be more of a giver than a taker in life. I was planning on donating blood. I chose to ride with the sister of a gal I was dating for a trip of the distance as my own car was not "insured" (I was poor, but used my own car as little as absolutely possible as a result of not being able to afford insurance at the time. This was before you had to have proof of insurance to tag your car.) Anyway, the gal I rode with was not the best of drivers. This was in late December, and there were icy patches on the road. She hit an icy patch and lost control. We slid my door first into an oncoming car. I got the worst of the injuries, which included a contusion of the brain. Looking back at it, I see that as the defining moment in my transition from a loyal statist to an anarchist. If I had ignored the "law" and driven myself, the probability of the accident happening would have been near zero. Hindsight is always 20/20 though. My escape from statist thinking was not instant either. It took years for me to piece together the whole picture of how our lives are run by others on not just a daily basis, but a moment by moment basis. Each decision we think we make is driven by our "programming". This programming comes in the form of entertainment as well as education. Still believing in the "power of the state", I started my family. I took my babies to the Dr's for their "well baby" visits and their "vaccinations". About a week after my son had his 12 month shots, I watched him change from a playful, interactive inquisitive infant into one who at times appeared completely deaf. At other times, he appeared to be in great pain from "normal" sounds. Being scientific in my mind, I did all of the analysis possible, up to and including a brain stem audiometry to determine that he was not deaf, but could actually hear too well. He could literally hear a pin drop across the room. My wife and I started studying Autistic Spectrum disorders. During our research, we determined that I was slightly "Asperger's Syndrom", which is a label they used to give to mildly autistic persons. My wife was very much an "Aspie" (Asperger's Syndrome people call themselves that). We also determined that our older child was ADHD and since then our younger child is also apparently Aspie. Over the years, more and more study has let me to the inescapable conclusion that these conditions are all vaccine damage. I recently found a pamplet from 1889 which discusses the then 45 year history of the Small Pox vaccine. The science in that pamplet is undeniable. Not only was the vaccine ineffective, it was decidedly unsafe. People would have had far less illness without it than with it. In other words, it has been known for over a century that vaccines are neither effective nor safe. In fact, in an opinion in the Supreme Court of the United States, it is acknowledged that vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe"...which is insanity. Their dangers are easily avoided by avoiding them. To quote DeWayne McCulley, "When we looked at the sciences of disease pathology, immunology and virology, it’s clear that vaccines are not designed properly to optimize a balanced immune response. Many years ago when vaccines were originally designed, the scientists did not understand the architecture and functionality of the immune system. Unfortunately, for financial reasons, the pharmaceutical companies refuse to change vaccines. As a result, vaccines (with aluminum or mercury adjuvants) provide a dominant Th2 response and a weakened Th1 response. This has led to a 350% increase in children with allergies, eczema, ear infections, etc. Also, there has been a dramatic increase in autism, seizures, ADHD, and other behavioral issues. In addition to viruses, food chemicals and other toxins, some of the adjuvant particles in vaccines end up crossing the BBB, causing neuroinflammation, which leads to excess oxidation, mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegeneration. Depending on the specific pathology, this neurodegeneration can trigger microglia (CNS immune cells) to fuel a cascade of inflammation and neuronal damage. And, that combined with systemic inflammation (e. g. leaky gut syndrome) can lead to a neurodegenerative diseases or an autoimmune disease. Unfortunately, in young children, it can also lead to significant brain damage, which can manifest itself as a neurological disease such as multiple sclerosis; or, in some cases with young children, it can manifest as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Autism is more than a social interaction and behavioral disorder — it’s pathology clearly indicates some form of brain damage or neurodevelopmental problem." My son had all the "usual" ear infections, and was even prone to seizures until very recently. He is now in his late 20's, non-verbal, not toilet trained and lives with 24x7 supervision and ready medical. This is the extreme end of what vaccines can do. My personal experience is that after my accident, I was prone to pneumonia and bronchitis. I listened to the Dr's and got my "flu shot" every year...and the flu...but it wasn't as bad as it would have been without it. Then I forgot it one year. Didn't get sick either. I was learning. I literally quit getting sick when I quit getting the flu shot. Once in a great while, I would still contract a cold or so, but I was far better off without injecting the poisons. I went several years without getting sick at all, then I went to pickup a new client. They "required" I get the current flu shot...so I did. It make me sick for two months, and got a Dr's exemption note for the future. Do you know that the following things are in most, if not all, vaccines? Aluminum Ammonium Sulfate Beta-Propiolactone Gelatin Gentamicin Sulfate and Polymyxin B GMO Yeast, Animal, Bacterial and Viral Genes Glutaraldehyde Formaldehyde Human and Animal Cell Fragments Latex Rubber Mercury Micro-Organsms Monosodium Glutamate Neomycin Sulfate Phenol or Pnenoxythanol Polysorbate 80 Tri Butylphosphate If I spoon fed my infant those ingredients I would be in jail. Mercury in fish is considered bad, but it is ok in vaccines. Formaldehyde in floors is bad, but it is ok in vaccines. Glyphosate in food is bad, but it is ok in vaccines. Aluminum in deoderant is bad, but it is ok in vaccines. MSG in food is bad, but it is ok in vaccines. In 1958, the American Academy of Pediatrics made the following statements: No child with atopic eczema or other skin disorder should be vaccinated. No child should be vaccinated if any member of his family has eczem or or other skin disorder. Parents of children with eczema should be notified at the onset of the disease of the danger from vaccination contact. If a sibling of a child with atopic eczema is vaccinated, he must be completely separated from that child for at least 21 days. Eczema vaccinatum should be a reportable disease. That last one is most interesting...eczema vaccinatum. Eczema FROM vaccination. Eczema is an autoimmune disorder where your own immune system attacks your own cells. It is but one of a complete family of such diseases, the prevalence of which in the population correlates to the number of vaccinations given. While correlation certainly doesn't equate to causation, every scientific discover ever starts with a noticeable correlation. Furthermore, all vaccines tested had metal fragments in them of various types as well. These were considered "contamination" by the ones testing, but I believe it is intentional. What manner of logical twists are needed to consider any of the above a healthy thing to inject? Each of these elements have their own issue, but of particular interest is Plysorbate 80. This particular chemical allows other things to cross the blood/brain barrier, which carries Mercury and Aluminum into your brain. From autopsies of autistic people, it is a known thing that the concentration of Aluminum in their brains is abnormally high, and at toxic levels. It has taken years of Rockefeller medicine to convince the general public that vaccines are a good thing, and now they are poised to execute the big plan. Nineteen is not a horrible virus, even though it was designed to be. As it turns out, misunderstanding of how viruses operate even includes those who wish to use them as weapons. Nevertheless, the plan has been put in action. Studies on how to use metal nanoclusters to bind to specific proteins have been done and published for a while now. A quick search with even Google will result in a few of the studies showing up. Now this has incredible medical potential for good, but what is unstated is the potential for evil. It is my believe, and it is certainly not unfounded, that the real bioweapon is the vaccine. How better to get people to have in them the metal nanoclusters which will respond to specific EM frequencies and then "bind" to specific proteins? What if? What if the whole "scare" over nineteen is designed to get everyone vaccinated with a vaccine which contains the metal nanoclusters which will respond to a particular frequency of EM, and what if that frequency is within the 5g range of 28ghz to 72ghz (some go higher)? What if they want to kill...oh I don't know, 7 billion of us? Why would they want that? The Georgia Guidestones suggest that a sustainable human population is around 1/2 billion, which means that approximately 7 billion of us have to die. What if Gates' suggestion that 7 billion of us get vaccinated "against" nineteen is an expression of that goal? This is from a man who is on video stating that if we "do a good job with vaccines" we can reduce population. I consider vaccines to be a bioweapon. This is not "nation vs nation" war, but war against the whole of humanity.